Get upto 4%* on our Personal investment Balances with Cainvest Bank.
More DetailsGet upto 4%* on our Personal investment Balances with Cainvest Bank.
More DetailsDear Customer, We have launched a new directive on KYC for New customer to open investment ac
Cainvest banking platform was designed to provide a personalized service tailored to each client’s needs and goals.
The bank’s controllers are extremely conservative and have restricted any kind of direct investments expect for US Treasury on the bank’s Balance Sheet.
The bank’s controllers are extremely conservative and have restricted any kind of leverage on the bank’s Balance Sheet.
The bank is strictly regulated by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authorities.
We build strong bond with the community we are surround ourselves with.
We are committed to making the financial sector better for our customers.
We strike with possibility for all our customers satisfaction, so we must maintain this character.
Mission: To transform the financial industry landscape through innovative & relevant financial solutions.
Vision: To be the most respected financial institution in our target market.
Core Value: At the very heart of who we are at Cainvest Bank is the desire to transform the socio-economic welfare of our customers by offering innovative financial solutions.
Numbers that speak about banking service.
86 Branches around the country
More than 1.5 million customers
1.6k professional employees
45.6 Cr loans for 258 customers
We strink with the intention of your financial success and happiness to make your future and family prosperous.
With our effective online presence which has a clear vision. This includes having the knowledge of what our customer target is or having clear definition of your target customers/clients so to know how to approach and appeal to them.